What Type of Eyes Need Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses are gas-permeable contacts made wide enough to cover your eye. In contrast to conventional lenses, they vault over the cornea and leave a space between your corneal surface and the lens. Scleral lenses are custom-fit to the eye and are ideal for people with specific eye issues such as:



Dry Eye Syndrome



Dry eye syndrome is a condition where you have inadequate tears in your eyes, causing irritations. Conventional lenses are not ideal, as they tend to absorb moisture from your eyes, exacerbating the condition. 


One of the best solutions is using scleral lenses since they provide saline, hydrating your eyes and averting the issue. The trick comes with the saline solution you use to fit the lenses. The lens design holds the liquid static on the surface throughout the day.






Keratoconus is a condition where the cornea gradually bulges as it thins outward in the shape of a cone. It often affects both eyes, causing blurry vision and sensitivity to glaring light. During the early stages of the illness, prescription spectacles or soft contacts may help. 


Later, however, you may need to acquire gas-permeable contacts like scleral lenses. The reason is the disease irregularly shapes the cornea, making traditional contacts unable to fit well. Scleral lenses can rest comfortably on the sclera, providing clear, comfortable vision.



Stevens-Johnson Disease (SJS)



SJS is a chronic and sometimes fatal illness that attacks your mucus membranes and skin. From an adverse side effect of medication that starts feebly, it progresses to blisters and rashes all over the body. Other issues include inflammation, tissue damage, and scarring on the eyes and eyelids. In this case, scleral lenses can help hydrate, restore, and protect the ocular surface of the eyes. 


These often become exceedingly sensitive after a bout with Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The lenses also act as a buffer between the surface of your eye and the eyelid. They sometimes become painful because of the disease.



Sjogren's Syndrome



Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that involves your immune system attacking your body. Some common symptoms include a lack of sputum and chronic dry eyes. These result in vision problems, eye injuries, and discomfort. Over-the-counter eye drops may help hydrate your eyes, though scleral lenses offer a better and more lasting solution.



Chemical Injuries or Burns



Burns to the eyes from either chemicals or heat can cause irregular stigmatism and scarring in your eyes. People who have such ocular burns may experience discomfort, pain, and visual distortion. The event may injure your corneal surface, making you unable to wear regular contacts. 


Due to the custom design of scleral lenses, they are an effective treatment for this issue. Their tear-filled reservoir helps hydrate your eyes, promoting healing and comfort. In addition, the lenses protect your eyes from friction from the eyelids while providing clear vision without pain or discomfort.


Other eye issues that require scleral lenses include graft versus host disease and complications from radial keratotomy.


For more about scleral lenses, visit Carousel Eyecare at our office in Houston, Texas. Call (281) 666-9835 to book an appointment today.

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